\name{Reverse complementary} \alias{revComp} \alias{strComp} % Hide revComp \title{Performs the reverse of a sequence} \description{ These functions perform the reverse/complementary of a sequence. RevComp loads further the result into the transparent complementary buffer. } \usage{ revComp(seqno=0,force=FALSE) strComp (s) } \arguments{ \item{seqno}{Integer/scalar, Sequence number (buffer number)} \item{force}{Logical/scalar, Force flag (FALSE -> revComp creates the reverse/complementary sequence only if it doesn't exist, TRUE -> revComp creates it anyway) } \item{s}{A sequence, string format.} } \value{ seqno or -1 if error. } \author{L.Cottret } %\seealso{\code{\link{getseq}},\code{\link{shuffle}}} \seealso{\code{\link{getSeq}}} \examples{ s<-"cgtagtagctagctagctagctagctag" placeString (s, seqno=1) getSeq(1) # return [1] "CGTAGTAGCTAGCTAGCTAGCTAGCTAG" revComp(1) # computes the reverse getSeq(1,1) # return [1] "CTAGCTAGCTAGCTAGCTAGCTACTACG" # Or with strComp strComp (s) } \keyword{utilities}