\name{relist} \alias{relist} \alias{relistage} \title{Group segments into global segments} \description{ Relist,Relistage : put all segments into its specific enveloppe. } \usage{ relist(ranges, envel) relistage(ranges, envel) } \arguments{ \item{envel,ranges}{elements of class segSet or matrix nx2} } \value{ \item{Relist}{a vector with envelopes indices (-1 if none found)} \item{Relistage}{a element of class globalSeg} } \author{Antoine Lucas and Odile Rogier} \note{Envelops must overlap ranges.} \examples{ from = c(1, 15,17,100,130,135,142) to = c(40,45,38,120,140,145,160) envelfrom = c(1,100,130) envelto = c(45,120,160) ranges = as.segSet(data.frame(from,to)) envel = as.segSet(data.frame(envelfrom,envelto)) relist(ranges, envel) c = relistage(ranges, envel) par(mfrow=c(3,1)) plot(ranges,xlim=c(1,160),main="ranges") plot(envel,xlim=c(1,160),main="Envelopes") plot(c,xlim=c(1,160),main="relist") } \keyword{utilities}