\name{readSeq} \alias{readSeq} \alias{readFasta} \alias{readGbk} \alias{readEmbl} \alias{strReadFasta} \alias{strReadGbk} \alias{strReadEmbl} \title{Sequence extraction from a bank} \description{ These functions load a sequence from a Fasta, Embl or GeneBank sequence bank file into a GeneR sequence buffer or as a character string.. readSeq is the generic function, readFasta, readGbk and readEmbl are aliases. } \usage{ readSeq(file,name=NA, type="F", seqno=0, from=1, to=0,upper=TRUE, index="ix") readFasta(file,name=NA, seqno=0, from=1, to=0,upper = TRUE, index="ix") strReadFasta (file, name = NA, from = 1, to = 0,upper = TRUE) readGbk(file,name=NA, seqno=0, from=1, to=0,upper = TRUE,index="ix") strReadGbk (file, name = NA, from = 1, to = 0,upper = TRUE) readEmbl(file,name=NA, seqno=0, from=1, to=0,upper = TRUE,index="ix") strReadEmbl (file, name = NA, from = 1, to = 0,upper = TRUE, index = "ix") } \arguments{ \item{file}{String/scalar, File name of the bank} \item{name}{String/scalar, Sequence name (default : first sequence)} \item{upper}{upper case letters conversion (TRUE: The whole sequence is converted to upper case letters, FALSE : no conversion (only implemented for Fasta sequence)). } \item{type}{String/scalar, Bank format ("F" -> fasta. "E" -> embl, "G" -> GenBank)} \item{seqno}{Integer/scalar, Sequence number (buffer number) } \item{from, to}{Integer/scalar, Absolute addresses of the begin and the end of the fragment, (1 means the first nucleotide and 0 conventionally the last one; from must not be larger than to)} \item{index}{String/scalar, type of index ( "ix" -> sequence name is the accession number \cr "id" -> sequence name is the identifier) } } \value{ integer: 1 if OK; -1 if error. strReadFasta, strReadGbk and strReadEmbl returns the sequence as character string. } \author{L.Cottret, A. Lucas.} \seealso{ \code{\link{GeneR}}, \code{\link{globals}}, \code{\link{readEmblLocation}}, \code{\link{readGbkLocation}}, \code{\link{getSeq}}, \code{\link{sizeSeqEmbl}}, \code{\link{sizeSeqFasta}} } \examples{ ## Get a sequence from Ncbi seqNcbi("BY608190",file="BY608190.gbk",type="G") ## Read Gbk file to buffer 0 readGbk("BY608190.gbk") ## Or to a character string strReadGbk("BY608190.gbk") ## Write to Fasta file writeFasta(file='toto.fa') ## Make an index to this file indexFasta('toto.fa') readFasta (file="toto.fa",seqno=0,from=1,to=159) ## Show seqence on buffer 0 getSeq() ## Make a Fake file writeEmblLine(file='toto.embl',code='AC',header='tmp',append=FALSE) writeEmblSeq(file='toto.embl') ## Make index on file toto.embl indexEmbl('toto.embl') ## Read Embl file to buffer 0 readEmbl('toto.embl') ## Or read "directly" strReadEmbl('toto.embl') } \keyword{utilities}