\name{Read location} \alias{readGbkLocation} \alias{readEmblLocation} \title{Get annotations of a GeneBank or an EMBL sequence} \description{Extracts by keywords, from a GeneBank or an EMBL sequence entry, annotations from the features field} \usage{ readGbkLocation (file, name = NA, from = 1, to = 0, key = "CDS", subkey = "") readEmblLocation (file, name = NA, from = 1, to = 0, key = "CDS", subkey = "") } \arguments{ \item{file}{String/scalar, File name of the bank} \item{name}{String/scalar, Sequence name (default : first sequence)} \item{from, to}{Integer/scalar, Absolute addresses of the begin and the end of the fragment, (1 means the first nucleotide and 0 conventionally the last one; from must not be larger than to) } \item{key}{String/scalar,. Feature to retrieve. (ex: GENE, CDS...)} \item{subkey}{String/scalar, Label to retrieve (ex: locus\_tag, note, codon\_start\dots).} } \value{ A data frame } \author{P.Durosay(C), L.Cottret(R), A. Lucas} \keyword{utilities} \keyword{database} %\note{Use this function carefully: bug found...} \seealso{\code{\link{readEmblLocation}},\code{\link{readSeq}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ # Get SARS Sequence seqNcbi("NC_004718",file="NC_004718.gbk",type="G") # Get CDS Positions readGbkLocation(file="NC_004718.gbk") # Get peptides... readGbkLocation(file="NC_004718.gbk",key="mat_peptide",subkey="product") } # The same with EMBL... # # Get SARS Sequence \dontrun{ download.file("http://bioinfo.hku.hk/sars/AY291451.seq", destfile="AY291451.seq") # Get CDS Positions readEmblLocation(file="AY291451.seq") # Get peptides... readEmblLocation(file="AY291451.seq",key="mat_peptide",subkey="product") } }