\name{posMaskedSeq} \alias{posMaskedSeqFile} \alias{posMaskedSeq} \title{Position of masked fragments} \description{ These functions return the position of masked fragments within a sequence. Masked fragments are identified by lower case letters or by specific characters (for example: 'N'). } \usage{ posMaskedSeq(seqno=0,from = 1, to = 0, max = 10000,type= "lower") posMaskedSeqFile(file, name = NA, from = 1, to = 0, max = 10000) } \arguments{ \item{seqno}{Integer/scalar, Sequence number (buffer number)} \item{from,to}{Integer/vector, Absolute addresses of the begin and the end of the fragments, (1 means the first nucleotide and 0 conventionally the last one; from must not be larger than to)} \item{file}{String/scalar, Path and file name of the Fasta sequence bank} \item{name}{Name of the sequence (if NA: the first sequence of the bank)} \item{type}{type of masked nucleotide i.e. "lower" or any character like "N" (if lower, posMaskedSeq looks for lower case letters; if a character, posMaskedSeq looks for this character} \item{max}{Maximum number of fragments to retrieve (default: 10000)} } %\details{ % } \value{ a matrix of size n,2. gives a warning if there is more than max regions. return numeric(0) when no regions found. } \note{This function returns by default only 10000 first regions (default parameter max).} \seealso{See also \code{\link{mask}}, \code{\link{upperSeq}}, \code{\link{lowerSeq}}} \author{Odile Rogier and Antoine Lucas} \examples{ ## Make a dummy sequence s <- "ATGCtgTGTTagtacATNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNTGGGTTTaAAAattt" placeString(s,upper=FALSE,seqno=0) posMaskedSeq(seqno=0,type="upper") posMaskedSeq(seqno=0,type="lower") \dontrun{ posMaskedSeq(seqno=0,type="lower",max=2) } posMaskedSeq(seqno=0,type="N") writeFasta(file="toto.fa") posMaskedSeqFile("toto.fa") } \keyword{utilities}