\name{or.segSet} \alias{or.segSet} \alias{unionSeg} \alias{or} \alias{or.default} \title{Union of 2 segments sets} \description{ Makes union of 2 segments sets } \usage{ or.segSet(a, b = NULL,simplify=TRUE,...) unionSeg(a, b = NULL,simplify=TRUE,...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{a,b}{Elements of class segSet } \item{simplify}{TRUE of FALSE. If TRUE, segments are sorted, and duplicated are removed. } \item{...}{Unused} } \value{ an element of class segment. } \author{Antoine Lucas} \seealso{\link{globalSeg},\link{or.globalSeg}} \examples{ from <- c(100,75, 1 ,25,150) to <- c(110,120,30,50,170) or(as.segSet(data.frame(from,to))) ## return: ## from, to ## 1, 50 ## 75,120 ## 150,170 or.segSet(data.frame(from,to),simplify=FALSE) ## Tip to compute intergenic region ## (imagine: from = genes$start, to=genes$stop x <- or.segSet(data.frame(from,to)) start <- x[,1] stop <- x[,2] n <- length(start) intergenes <-cbind(stop[1:n-1],start[2:n]) intergenes } \keyword{utilities}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS