\name{indexFasta} \alias{indexFasta} \alias{indexEmbl} \alias{indexGbk} \title{Index file creation for a sequences bank} \description{These functions create an index file for retrieving quickly a sequence into a fasta, genbank or embl sequence bank file.} \usage{ indexFasta(file) indexEmbl(file,index="ix") indexGbk(file) } \arguments{ \item{file}{String/scalar, File path and name of the sequences file} \item{index}{String/scalar, Suffix for the index file} } \value{ \item{1}{Indexfile has been created} \item{-1}{Error} } \note{ These functions create an index file even if it already exists. Access number larger than 40 characters are skipped (a warning is returned). This can be increasing with variable \code{MAX\_LEN\_ACCNO} in file GeneR\_globals.h (and rebuild GeneR library). } \author{Antoine Lucas} \seealso{\code{\link{makeIndex}}} \keyword{utilities}