\name{getParam} \alias{getParam} \title{Reading of all the GeneR global variables} \description{ Gives all the GeneR global variables associated to a sequence} \usage{ getParam(seqno=0) } \arguments{ \item{seqno}{Integer/scalar, Sequence number (buffer number)} } \details{ All details on addresses and global variables can be found on page \code{\link{globals}}. } \value{ A list with \item{Strand}{Running working strand (0 -> forward, 1 -> reverse)} \item{begin}{beginning position of the loaded sequence} \item{end}{ending position of the loaded sequence} \item{size}{size of the parent sequence (to allow computations of relative adresses)} \item{name}{name of the loaded sequence} } \author{L. Cottret} \seealso{\code{\link{setParam}}} \keyword{utilities}