\name{Buffers} \alias{freeSeq} \alias{freeAllSeq} \alias{nSeq} %\title{Free one or all sequence} \title{Low level functions on buffer manipulation} \description{ nSeq returns the limit of buffers to use, or set this limit to maxBuffers when specified. freeSeq free sequence seqno and complementary. Free all sequences for freeAllSeq } \usage{ freeSeq(seqno=0) freeAllSeq() nSeq(maxBuffers=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{seqno}{Integer, sequence number to free. (bufseq)} \item{maxBuffers}{Integer/Scalar, number of buffers} } \examples{ placeString("ATGAGTGATGAGATGATGAG",seqno=0) placeString("ATGAGTGATGAGATGATGAG",seqno=3) placeString("ATGAGTGATGAGATGATGAG",seqno=4) revComp() revComp(seqno=3) sizeSeq() ## show size used in all buffers .seqSize() ## freeSeq(3) ## free buffer 3 .seqSize() freeAllSeq() ## free all buffers .seqSize() ## show number of availabel buffers: nSeq() # 100 ## increase number of available buffers nSeq(150) .seqSize() } \value{ seqno; 0 for freeAllSeq. Number of sequences for nSeq } \author{A.Viari, L Cotteret, A Lucas} \keyword{utilities}