\name{exactWord} \alias{exactWord} \title{Exact matches of an oligomer} \description{ Gets match positions of an oligomer in fragments of a sequence } \usage{ exactWord(word, seqno=0, from=1, to=0, strand = getStrand(), step=1, overlap=TRUE, wNbOcc =-1,case.sensitive=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{word}{string/scalar, Oligomer sequence } \item{seqno}{Integer/scalar, Sequence number (buffer number)} \item{from, to}{Integer/scalar, Absolute addresses of the beginning and the end of the fragment, (1 means the first nucleotide and 0 conventionally the last one; from must not be larger than to and both vectors must be the same size)} \item{step}{Integer/scalar, Size of the step in which search progression is done} \item{overlap}{TRUE: look for overlapping oligomer} \item{wNbOcc}{Integer/scalar, Maximum number of occurences to retrieve sequentially in each fragment (-1 -> all) } \item{strand}{Integer/scalar, Strand (forward: 0, reverse: 1)} \item{case.sensitive}{T -> difference between lower and upper case letter, F -> no difference}. } \value{ A list of match positions in each fragment. If error : NULL. } \note{step with negative values will be implemented soon} \author{L.Cottret } \keyword{utilities} \seealso{\code{\link{getSeq} }} \examples{ s<-"cgtagctagctagctagctagctagctagcta" placeString(s) exactWord(word="ag", from=c(3,11,23),to=c(9,17,29)) #[[1]] #[1] 4 8 # #[[2]] #[1] 12 16 # #[[3]] #[1] 24 28 placeString("TTTTTTTTTTTT") exactWord("TTT") exactWord("TTT",overlap=FALSE,step=2) }