\name{Concat} \alias{concat} \title{Concatenation of two sequences} \description{ Concatenates a fragment of one sequence with a fragment of another one. } \usage{ concat(seqno1=0, seqno2=1, destSeqno=2, from1=1, to1=0, strand1=getStrand(), from2=1, to2=0, strand2=getStrand()) } \arguments{ \item{seqno1}{Integer/scalar, Integer/scalar, First sequence number (buffer number)} \item{seqno2}{Integer/scalar, Integer/scalar, Second sequence number (buffer number)} \item{destSeqno}{Integer/scalar, Output sequence number (buffer number)} \item{strand1}{Integer/scalar, Strand of the first fragment (forward: 0, reverse: 1)} \item{from1,to1}{Integer/scalar, Absolute addresses of the beginning and the end of the first fragment, (1 means the first nucleotide and 0 conventionally the last one; from must not be larger than to and both vectors must be the same size). } \item{from2,to2}{Integer/scalar, Absolute addresses of the beginning and the end of the second fragment, (1 means the first nucleotide and 0 conventionally the last one; from must not be larger than to and both vectors must be the same size) } \item{strand2}{Integer/scalar, Strand of the second fragment (forward: 0, reverse: 1)} } \value{ destSeq or -1 if error % to do : NULL if error. } \author{L.Cottret } \keyword{utilities} \seealso{\code{\link{assemble}}, \code{\link{getSeq}}, \code{\link{appendSeq}}} \examples{ s1<- "aaacgctagcgcg" placeString(s1) s2<-"ttttctatcag" placeString(s2,1) concat(seqno1=0,seqno2=1, from1=2,to1=3,from2=8,to2=0, strand1=1) getSeq(2) #[1] "TTTCAG" }