\name{appendSeq} \alias{appendSeq} \title{Appends two sequences} \description{appends a sequence at the end of another one} \usage{ appendSeq(destSeqno=0, seqno=1) } \arguments{ \item{destSeqno}{Sequence number of sequence to be appended} \item{seqno}{Sequence number of sequence to add at the end of destSeqno} } \note{This function frees the reverse complementary of sequence destSeqno} \value{ 0: no error; NULL if error and a warning if problem in memory allocation. } \examples{ s <- "CTGCGTTTGAAAA" placeString(s,seqno=0) placeString(s,seqno=1) appendSeq(0,1) getSeq(0) } \author{Antoine Lucas} \seealso{\code{\link{getSeq}}, \code{\link{concat}} ,\code{\link{assemble}}} \keyword{utilities}