\name{globalSeg} \alias{globalSeg} \title{Class manipulating segments} \description{ We made a set of tools manipulation segments } \details{ The aim of this class is to describe regions on chromosomes that are discontinuous segments on a line like: \preformatted{ 1 10 25 40 Region A: ########## ####### Region B: #### #### ############# Region C: ###### #### } We made two kind of class \itemize{ \item \code{segSet}: segments set, is a matrix nx2 composed of a column of "from", and a column of "to". Used to describe a region like 'A' or 'B' in our example. (A matrix 3x2 to describe region 'B'). \item \code{globalSeg}: a list of \code{segSet}. It allows the notion of list of discontinuous segments (our use: a list of gene's models as a gene's model is stored as a list of its exons). In our sample, globalSeg will be the list of the 3 regions A,B and C. Note that it store more information than just a matrix with 2 columns containing all \code{segments} of theses 3 regions. } For a better comprehension of other man pages, we introduce this notation: \itemize{ \item a segment is just a part of a line determined by two values (from and to) \item an object of class segSet is a set of \code{n} segments, determined by a matrix \code{n}x2 \item an object of class globalSeg is a set of segSets, determined by a list of matrix. } } \author{Epissage group at CGM.} \seealso{ See also \code{\link{as.segSet}}, \code{\link{as.globalSeg}}, \code{\link{unionSeg}}} \examples{ a = list( matrix( c( 1, 15, 17, 5, 45, 38),ncol=2), matrix( c( 100 , 120),ncol=2), matrix( c( 130, 135, 140, 145),ncol=2), matrix( c( 142 , 160),ncol=2)) b = list( matrix( c(15, 28, 18, 45),ncol=2), matrix( c(1, 15, 25, 10, 20, 40),ncol=2), matrix( c(17, 35, 23, 38),ncol=2), matrix( c(100, 110, 105, 120),ncol=2)) a = as.globalSeg(a) b = as.globalSeg(b) par(mar=c(1,0,1,0)) par(mfrow=c(8,1)) plot(a,xlim=c(1,160),main="A") plot(b,xlim=c(1,160),main="B") plot(and(b),xlim=c(1,160),main="and(B)") plot(or(b),xlim=c(1,160),main="or(B)") plot(Xor(b),xlim=c(1,160),main="Xor(B)") plot(a&b,xlim=c(1,160),main="A&B") plot(a|b,xlim=c(1,160),main="A|B") plot(Xor(a,b),xlim=c(1,160),main="Xor(A,B)") } \keyword{utilities}