\name{tau2.DL} \alias{var.tau2} \alias{mu.tau2} \alias{tau2.DL} \title{estimating my and tau in a REM} \description{ tau2.DL is an estimation of tau in a random effects model (REM) using Cochran's Q statistic. } \usage{ tau2.DL(Q, num.studies, my.weights) mu.tau2(my.d, my.vars.new) var.tau2(my.vars.new) } \arguments{ \item{Q}{A vector of Cochran's Q statistics.} \item{num.studies}{The number of studies used for the meta-analysis.} \item{my.weights}{A matrix with one column for each experiment containing the variances of the effects that should be combined.} \item{my.d}{A matrix, with one column for each experiment, containing the effects that should be combined.} \item{my.vars.new}{A matrix, with one column for each experiment, containing the variances of the effects that should be combined.} } \details{} \value{} \references{Choi et al, Combining multiple microarray studies and modeling interstudy variation. Bioinformatics, 2003, i84-i90.} \author{L. Lusa and R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{dstar}},\code{\link{sigmad}}} \examples{ # please have a look at the vignette } \keyword{htest}