\name{f.Q} \alias{f.Q} \title{ Compute Cochran's Q statistic } \description{ Compute Cochran's Q statistic for testing whether the a fixed effects or a random effects model will be appropriate. } \usage{ f.Q(dadj, varadj) } \arguments{ \item{dadj}{A matrix, each row is a gene, each column a study, of the estimated t-statistics. } \item{varadj}{A matrix, each row is a gene, each column a study, of the estimated, adjusted variances of the t-statistics.} } \details{ A straightforward computation of Cochran's Q statistic. If the null hypothesis that the data are well modeled by a fixed effects design is true then the estimate Q values will have approximately a chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the number of studies minus one. } \value{ A vector of length equal to the number of rows of \code{dadj} with the Q statistics. } \references{Choi et al, Combining multiple microarray studies and modeling interstudy variation. Bioinformatics, 2003, i84-i90.} \author{L. Lusa and R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{dstar}},\code{\link{sigmad}}} \examples{ ##none now, this requires a pretty elaborate example } \keyword{ htest}