\name{dstar} \alias{dstar} \alias{sigmad} \alias{getdF} \alias{getdF,ExpressionSet,numeric-method} \alias{getdF,matrix,numeric-method} \title{Tools for Meta-analysis of gene expression data.} \description{ A small number of meta-analysis functions for comparing two gene expression experiments are provided. } \usage{ dstar(d, n) getdF(data, categ) sigmad(d, ng1, ng2) } \arguments{ \item{d}{A vector of t-statistics, i.e. the output of \code{getdF}.} \item{n}{The number of t-statistics.} \item{data}{The data used to compute t-statistics, either a \code{matrix} or an \code{ExpressionSet}.} \item{categ}{A vector of 0's and 1's indicating group membership.} \item{ng1}{The number of samples in group 1.} \item{ng2}{The number of samples in group 2.} } \details{ The functions \code{getdF} compute t-test statistics for the input data and group membership (note that group membership must be indicated by a vector of 0's and 1's). The function \code{dstar} computes an unbiased estimate of the t-test. The function \code{sigmad} computes the variance estimate of \code{dstar}. } \value{ The different functions have different return values, but generally they are vectors of the requested quantities. } \references{Choi et al, Combining multiple microarray studies and modeling interstudy variation. Bioinformatics, 2003, i84-i90.} \author{L. Lusa, R. Gray and R. Gentleman} \examples{ x = matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol=10) ds = getdF(x, rep(c(0,1), c(5,5))) dst = dstar(ds, ncol(x)) sgd = sigmad(ds, 5, 5) } \keyword{htest}