\name{gsri-internal} \title{Internal GSRI functions} \alias{gsri-internal} \alias{getCDF} \alias{getPvalues} \alias{grenanderInterp} \alias{gsriBoot} \alias{loadCls} \alias{loadGct} \alias{multiStat} \alias{slopeFast} \description{Internal GSRI functions} \usage{ getCDF(pvals, useGrenander) getPvalues(data, d, phenotype, test, testArgs) grenanderInterp(x, y) gsriBoot(inputData, d, phenotype, useGrenander, test, testArgs) loadCls(fileName) loadGct(fileName) multiStat(data, phenotype, test, testArgs) slopeFast(x, y) } \author{Kilian Bartholomé, Julian Gehring} \details{ Internal functions of the GSRI package. These are not to be called by the user. } \references{ Functions of the following packages are used in this package: Korbinian Strimmer (2009). fdrtool: Estimation and Control of (Local) False Discovery Rates. R package version 1.2.6. \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=fdrtool} R. Gentleman, V. Carey, W. Huber and F. Hahne. genefilter: methods for filtering genes from microarray experiments. R package version 1.28.2. } \seealso{ \code{\link{gsri}} \code{\link{gsriFromFile}} \code{\link{GSRI}} } \keyword{internal}