\name{incidence-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{incidence} \alias{incidence-methods} \alias{incidence,GeneSet-method} \alias{incidence,GeneSetCollection-method} \title{Methods for Constructing Incidence Matricies Between GeneSets} \description{ An incidence matrix summarizes shared membership of gene identifiers across (pairs of) gene sets. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ The return value is a matrix with rows representing gene sets and columns genes. \item{ \code{signature(x="GeneSet", ...)} \code{signature(x="GeneColorSet", ...)} }{ All additional arguments \code{...} are of the same class as \code{x}. The incidence matrix contains elements 0 (genes not present) or 1 (genes present). } \item{ \code{signature(x = "GeneSetCollection", ...)} }{ Additional arguments \code{...} can be of class \code{GeneSetCollection} or \code{GeneSet}. The incidence matrix contains elements 0 (genes not present) or 1 (genes present). } }} \examples{ fl <- system.file("extdata", "Broad.xml", package="GSEABase") gss <- getBroadSets(fl) # GeneSetCollection of 2 sets ## From one or more GeneSetCollections... imat <- incidence(gss) dim(imat) imat[,c(1:3,ncol(imat)-3+1:3)] ## .. or GeneSets imat1 <- incidence(gss[[1]], gss[[2]], gss[[1]]) imat1[,1:5] } \keyword{methods}