\name{import/export} \alias{io} \alias{getBroadSets} \alias{asBroadUri} \alias{toBroadXML} \alias{toGmt} \alias{getGmt} \title{Read and write gene sets from Broad or GMT formats} \description{ \code{getBroadSets} parses one or more XML files for gene sets. The file can reside locally or at a URL. The format followed is that defined by the Broad (below). \code{toBroadXML} creates Broad XML from \code{BroadCollection} gene sets. \code{toGmt} converts \code{GeneSetColletion} objects to a character vector representing the gene set collection in GMT format. \code{getGmt} reads a GMT file or other character vector into a \code{GeneSetColletion}. } \usage{ getBroadSets(uri, ...) toBroadXML(geneSet, con, ...) asBroadUri(name, base="http://www.broad.mit.edu/gsea/msigdb/cards") getGmt(con, geneIdType=NullIdentifier(), collectionType=NullCollection(), sep="\t", ...) toGmt(x, con, ...) } \arguments{ \item{uri}{A file name or URL containing gene sets encoded following the Broad specification. For Broad sets, the uri can point to a MSIGDB.} \item{geneSet}{A \code{\linkS4class{GeneSet}} with \code{collectionType} \code{BroadCollection} (to ensure that required information is available).} \item{x}{A \code{\linkS4class{GeneSetCollection}} or other object for which a \code{toGmt} method is defined.} \item{con}{A (optional, in the case of \code{toXxx}) file name or connection to receive output.} \item{name}{A character vector of Broad gene set names, e.g., \code{c('chr16q', 'GNF2_TNFSF10')}.} \item{base}{Base uri for finding Broad gene sets.} \item{geneIdType}{A constructor for the type of identifier the members of the gene sets represent. See \code{\link{GeneIdentifierType}} for more information.} \item{collectionType}{A constructor for the type of collection for the gene sets. See \code{\link{CollectionType}} for more information.} \item{sep}{The character string separating members of each gene set in the GMT file.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments passed to the underlying XML parser, particularly \code{file} used to specify an output \code{connection} for \code{toBroadXML}.} } \value{ \code{getBroadSets} returns a \code{GeneSetCollection} of gene sets. \code{toBroadXML} returns a character vector of a single \code{GeneSet} or, if \code{con} is provided, writes the XML to a file. \code{asBroadUri} can be used to create URI names (to be used by \code{getBroadSets} of Broad files. \code{getGmt} returns a \code{GeneSetCollection} of gene sets. \code{toGmt} returns character vectors where each line represents a gene set. If \code{con} is provided, the result is written to the specified connection. } \references{ \url{http://www.broad.mit.edu/gsea/} } \author{Martin Morgan } \note{ Actual Broad XML files differ from the DTD (e.g., an implied ',' separator between genes in a set); we parse to and from files as they exists the actual files. } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{GeneSetCollection}} \code{\linkS4class{GeneSet}} } \examples{ ## 'fl' could also be a URI fl <- system.file("extdata", "Broad.xml", package="GSEABase") gss <- getBroadSets(fl) # GeneSetCollection of 2 sets names(gss) gss[[1]] \dontrun{ ## Download 'msigdb_v2.5.xml' or 'c3.all.v2.5.symbols.gmt' from the ## Broad, http://www.broad.mit.edu/gsea/downloads.jsp#msigdb, then gsc <- getBroadSets("/path/to/msigdb_v.2.5.xml") types <- sapply(gsc, function(elt) bcCategory(collectionType(elt))) c3gsc1 <- gsc[types == "c3"] c3gsc2 <- getGmt("/path/to/c3.all.v2.5.symbols.gmt", collectionType=BroadCollection(category="c3"), geneIdType=SymbolIdentifier()) } fl <- tempfile() toBroadXML(gss[[1]], con=fl) noquote(readLines(fl)) unlink(fl) \dontrun{ toBroadXML(gss[[1]]) # character vector } fl <- tempfile() toGmt(gss, fl) getGmt(fl) unlink(fl) } \keyword{manip}