\name{termGraphs} \alias{termGraphs} \alias{inducedTermGraph} \alias{plotGOTermGraph} \title{Extraction and Plotting of GO Terms from a GOHyperGResult Object} \description{ These functions extract and plot \code{graph} instances representing the relationships among GO terms tested using \code{hyperGTest}. } \usage{ termGraphs(r, id = NULL, pvalue = NULL, use.terms = TRUE) inducedTermGraph(r, id, children = TRUE, parents = TRUE) plotGOTermGraph(g, r = NULL, add.counts = TRUE, max.nchar = 20, node.colors=c(sig="lightgray", not="white"), node.shape="plaintext", ...) } \arguments{ \item{r}{A \code{GOHyperGResult} object as returned by \code{hyperGTest} when given a \code{GOHyperGParams} object as input. } \item{id}{A character vector of category IDs that specifies which terms should be included in the graph.} \item{pvalue}{Numeric p-value cutoff to use for selecting category terms to include. Will be ignored if \code{id} is present.} \item{use.terms}{Logical value indicating whether a \code{"term"} node attribute should be added to the returned graph providing the more descriptive, but possibly much longer, GO Terms.} \item{children}{A logical value indicating whether to include direct child terms of the terms specified by \code{id}.} \item{parents}{A logical value indicating whether to include direct parent terms of the terms specified by \code{id}.} \item{g}{A \code{graph} object as returned by \code{inducedTermGraph} or \code{termGraphs}.} \item{add.counts}{A logical value indicating whether category size counts should be added to the node labels when plotting.} \item{max.nchar}{The maximum character length for node labels in the plot.} \item{node.colors}{A named character vector of length two with compoents \code{sig} and \code{not}, giving color names for the significant and non-significant nodes, respectively.} \item{node.shape}{This argument controls the shape of the plotted nodes and must take on a value allowed by Rgraphviz.} \item{...}{For \code{plotGOTermGraph}, extra arguments are passed to the \code{plot} function.} } \details{ \describe{ \item{termGraphs}{returns a list of \code{graph} objects each representing one of the connected components of the subgraph of the GO ontology induced by selecting the specified GO IDs (if \code{id} is present) or by selecting the GO IDs that have a p-value less that \code{pvalue}. If \code{use.terms} is \code{TRUE} the GO IDs will be translated into GO Term names and attached to the nodes as node attributes (see \code{nodeData}). Edges in the graphs go from child (more specific) to parent (less specific).} \item{inducedTermGraph}{returns a \code{graph} object representing the GO graph induced by the terms specified by \code{id}. The \code{children} and \code{parent} arguments control whether direct children and/or direct parents of the terms specified by \code{id} are added to the graph (at least one of the two must be \code{TRUE}).} \item{plotGOTermGraph}{Create a plot using Rgraphviz of a \code{graph} object as returned by either \code{termGraphs} or \code{inducedTermGraph}. If a \code{GOHyperGResult} object is provided, then the nodes will be colored according to significance (based on the result object's \code{pvalueCutoff}) and counts will be added to show the size of the categories. } } } \author{Seth Falcon} \keyword{ manip }