\name{notConn} \alias{notConn} \title{Find genes that are not connected to the others. } \description{ A function that takes as input a distance matrix and finds those entries that are not connected to any others (ie. those with distance \code{Inf}. } \usage{ notConn(dists) } \arguments{ \item{dists}{A distance matrix.} } \details{ It is a very naive implementation. It presumes that not connected entries are not connected to any other entries, and this might not be true. Using the \code{connComp} function from the \code{graph} package or the \code{RBGL} package might be a better approach. } \value{ A vector of the names of the items that are not connected. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{\code{\link[graph:graph-class]{connComp}}} \examples{ data(Ndists) notConn(Ndists) } \keyword{manip}