\name{GOstats-defunct} \alias{GOstats-defunct} \title{Defunct Functions in GOstats Package} %------ PLEASE: put \alias{.} here for EACH ! \alias{combGOGraph} \alias{hyperGtable} \alias{hyperG2Affy} \description{ The functions or variables listed here are no longer part of GOstats as they are not needed (any more). } \usage{ combGOGraph(g1, g2) hyperGtable(probids, lib, type="MF", pvalue=0.05, min.count=10, save = FALSE, output = TRUE, filename = NULL, universe = NULL) hyperG2Affy(probids, lib, type="MF", pvalue=0.05, min.count=10, universe = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{g1}{A graph} \item{g2}{A graph} \item{probids}{ A vector of Affymetrix probe IDs} \item{lib}{ An annotation package (e.g., \code{hgu95av2.db})} \item{type}{One of "MF", "CC", "BP", indicating molecular function, cellular component, or biological process, respectively.} \item{pvalue}{The significance level used to choose GO terms} \item{min.count}{ The minimum number of a given GO term that must be on the chip in order to choose that GO term. This protects against very low p-values that result from the situation where there are very few genes with a given GO term on the chip, but one or two are found in the set of significant genes.} \item{universe}{A character vector of unique Entrez Gene identifiers or \code{NULL}. This is the population (the urn) of the Hypergeometric test. When \code{NULL} (default), the population is all Entrez Gene ids in the annotation package that have a GO term annotation in the specified GO category (see \code{GOHyperG} for more details).} \item{save}{Boolean - Set to \code{TRUE} to save the resulting \code{data.frame}.} \item{output}{ Boolean - Set to \code{TRUE} to output the resulting \code{data.frame} as a text file.} \item{filename}{ If output is set to \code{TRUE}, give the file name for the output file.} } \details{ \code{combGOGraph} was replaced by \code{join}. \code{hyperGtable} was replaced by \code{summary}. \code{hyperG2Affy} was replaced by \code{probeSetSummary}. } \keyword{manip}