\name{snijders} \docType{data} \alias{gm00143} \alias{gm01524} \alias{gm01535} \alias{gm01750} \alias{gm02948} \alias{gm03134} \alias{gm03563} \alias{gm03576} \alias{gm04435} \alias{gm05296} \alias{gm07081} \alias{gm07408} \alias{gm10315} \alias{gm13031} \alias{gm13330} \title{Public CGH data of Snijders} \description{ The data consist of 15 human cell strains with known karyotype (12 fibroblast cell strains, 2 chorionic villus cell strains, 1 lymploblast cell strain) from the NIGMS Human Genetics Cell Repository (http://locus.umdnj.edu/nigms). Each cell strain has been hybridized onto a CGH-array of 2276 BAC's spotted in triplicate. } \usage{data(snijders)} \references{ A M Snijders, N Nowak, R Segraves, S Blackwood, N Brown, J Conroy, G Hamilton, A K Hindle, B Huey, K Kimura, S Law, K Myambo, J Palmer, B Ylstra, J P Yue, J W Gray, A N Jain, D Pinkel & D G Albertson , Assembly of microarrays for genome-wide measurement of DNA copy number, \emph{Nature Genetics} 29, pp 263 - 264 (2001) Brief Communications. } \source{\url{http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v29/n3/suppinfo/ng754_S1.html}} \examples{ data(snijders) array <- gm13330 } \keyword{datasets}