\name{array} \docType{data} \alias{array1} \alias{array2} \alias{array3} \title{Bladder cancer CGH data} \description{ Bladder cancer data from 3 arrays CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridyzation). Arrays dimension are 4 blocs per column, 4 blocs per row, 21 columns per bloc and 22 rows by blocs. } \usage{data(arrayCGH)} \format{ A data frame composed of the following elements : \describe{ \item{Log2Rat}{Log 2 ratio.} \item{Position}{BAC position on the genome.} \item{CHROMOSOME}{Chromosome.} \item{Col}{Column location on the array.} \item{Row}{Row location on the array.} } } \source{Institut Curie, \email{glad@curie.fr}.} \examples{ data(arrayCGH) data <- array1 #array1 to array3 } \keyword{datasets}