\name{arrayCGH} \alias{arrayCGH} \encoding{latin1} \title{Object of Class arrayCGH} \description{ Description of the object \code{arrayCGH}. } \value{ The object \code{arrayCGH} is a list with at least a data.frame named \code{arrayValues} and a vector named \code{arrayDesign}. The data.frame \code{arrayValues} must contain the following fields : \item{Col}{Vector of columns coordinates.} \item{Row}{Vector of rows coordinates.} \item{...}{Other elements can be added.} The vector \code{arrayDesign} is composed of 4 values : c(arrayCol, arrayRow, SpotCol, SpotRow). The array CGH is represented by arrayRow*arrayCol blocs and each bloc is composed of SpotRow*SpotCol spots. N.B. : Col takes the values in 1:arrayRow*SpotRow and Row takes the values in 1:arrayCol*SpotCol } \note{People interested in tools dealing with array CGH analysis can visit our web-page \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \author{Philippe Hupé, \email{glad@curie.fr}.} \seealso{\code{\link{glad}}.} \keyword{classes} \examples{ data(arrayCGH) # object of class arrayCGH array <- list(arrayValues=array2, arrayDesign=c(4,4,21,22)) class(array) <- "arrayCGH" }