\name{snp130locs} \alias{snp130locs} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ prototypical function for creation of IRanges-based SNP location data } \description{ prototypical function for creation of IRanges-based SNP location data } \usage{ snp130locs(chr, start, end) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{chr}{ scalar string with prefix "chr" } \item{start}{ numeric start value, typically 1 } \item{end}{ numeric end value, typically length in bases of chromosome } } %\details{ %%% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ %} \value{ a \code{\link[rtracklayer]{ucscTableQuery}} output %%% ~Describe the value returned %%% If it is a LIST, use %%% \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'} %%% \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'} %%% ... } %\references{ %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ %} %\author{ %% ~~who you are~~ %} %\note{ %% ~~further notes~~ %} %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %\seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ %} \examples{ ## The function is currently defined as function (chr, start, end) { sess = browserSession() quer = ucscTableQuery(sess, "snp130", GenomicRanges(start, end, chr)) tableName(quer) = "snp130" track(quer) } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ models }