\encoding{UTF-8} \name{LaunchEV} \alias{LaunchEV} \title{Launch the ExpressionView Flash applet} \description{Launches the ExpressionView Flash applet that comes with the R package.} \usage{ LaunchEV() } \details{ LaunchEV opens the ExpressionView Flash applet for visualizing biclusters identified in gene expression data. Running the applet requires a Browser with Adobe Flash 10 installed. The program is written in ActionScript and Adobe Flex. The source code is freely available. You can get it by right-clicking into the applet and selecting \dQuote{View Source}. } \seealso{\code{\link{OrderEV}}, \code{\link{ExportEV}}, \code{\link[eisa]{ISA}}, \code{\link[biclust]{biclust}}} \author{Andreas \enc{Lüscher}{Luscher} \email{andreas.luescher@a3.epfl.ch}} \examples{ ## Launch the ExpressionView applet \dontrun{LaunchEV()} } \keyword{cluster}