\name{getVignetteCode} \alias{getVignetteCode} \alias{editVignetteCode} \title{Functionality to manage code chunks from a vignette} \description{ These functions allow for processing and management of vignette code chunks within R. Users can directly manipulate the code chunks, as well as evaluate them at their option. } \usage{ getVignetteCode(vigPath, evalEnv = new.env()) editVignetteCode(vigCode, pos, code) } \arguments{ \item{vigPath}{File path of vignette file to process} \item{evalEnv}{An environment to use for chunk evaluations} \item{vigCode}{The \code{vignetteCode} object to edit} \item{pos}{The position of the code chunk to edit} \item{code}{The new code chunk} } \details{ \code{getVignetteCode}: This function will call \code{Stangle} using the \code{tangleToR} driver in order to retrieve the code chunks from the specified vignette file. It will then compile the other pertinent information and return a new \code{vignetteCode} object. \code{editVignetteCode}: This function will edit a code chunk contained within a \code{vignetteCode} and return a new object representing that change. The evaluation environment in the new object is a copy of the original as well, *not* the same environment. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{Sweave}},\code{\link{vignetteCode}},\code{\link{tangleToR}}} \keyword{utilities}