\name{codeChunk-class} \docType{class} \alias{codeChunk-class} \alias{codeChunk} \alias{chunk<-} \alias{chunk} \alias{chunkName} \alias{chunk<-,codeChunk-method} \alias{chunk,codeChunk-method} \alias{chunkName,codeChunk-method} \alias{evalChunk,codeChunk-method} \alias{getOptions,codeChunk-method} \alias{show,codeChunk-method} \alias{SweaveOptions,codeChunk-method} \title{Class "codeChunk"} \description{A class to wrap necessary information for a code chunk from a vignette file.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("codeChunk", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{chunkName}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The name (if one exists) for the code chunk} \item{\code{chunk}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The code from the code chunk} \item{\code{options}:}{Object of class \code{"SweaveOptions"} Any options that were set at the time the code chunk appears in the vignette file} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{evalChunk}{\code{signature(object = "codeChunk", env="environment")}: Will evaluate the code in the code chunk using the environment specified. If no environment is specified, .GlobalEnv is used.} \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "codeChunk")}: Displays the information for the code chunk} \item{chunk<-}{\code{signature(object = "codeChunk", value="character")}: Edits the \code{chunk} slot of the object} \item{chunk}{\code{signature(object = "codeChunk")}: Returns the \code{chunk} slot of the object} \item{chunkName}{\code{signature(object = "codeChunk")}: Returns the name of the code chunk} \item{getOptions}{\code{signature(object = "codeChunk")}: Returns the actual options from the \code{options} slot. } \item{SweaveOptions}{\code{signature(object = "codeChunk")}: Returns the object stored in the \code{options} slot.} } } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{Sweave}}, \code{\link{SweaveOptions}}, \code{\link{chunkList}}} \examples{ require("utils") testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package="utils") z <- Stangle(testfile,driver=tangleToR) getChunk(z,1) } \keyword{classes}