\name{subset.DNAcopy} \alias{subset.DNAcopy} \title{Subset a DNAcopy data object} \description{ Function to return a subset of a copy number array data object by a list of chromosomes and sample. } \usage{ \method{subset}{DNAcopy}(x, chromlist=NULL, samplelist=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{DNAcopy object} \item{chromlist}{chromosomes of interest. Should be a subset of the valid chromosome names in the original data.} \item{samplelist}{samples of interest. Can be integers denoting the samples of interest or a vector of valid sample names.} \item{...}{other arguments which may be passed to \code{subset}.} } \value{ An object of class \code{DNAcopy} with the input data and the results of segmenting them only for the chromosomes and samples of interest. } \keyword{nonparametric}