\name{glFrequency} \alias{glFrequency} \title{Additional summary measured for the segments} \description{ This program computes the frequency of gains and losses for each probe as a function of level of mad. } \usage{ glFrequency(xout, threshold=1) } \arguments{ \item{xout}{an object of class DNAcopy} \item{threshold}{threshold value to call gain or loss} } \value{ A segment is called a gain or loss if the segment mean is at least the threshold* mad distance away from the median copy number level. The output is a data frame with five columns which give the chromosome (chrom), genomic position (maploc), the number of samples with available data (pfreq), and the gain (gain) and loss (loss). } \author{Venkatraman E. Seshan \email{ves2111@columbia.edu} } \keyword{nonparametric}