\name{DNAcopy} \alias{DNAcopy} \alias{print.DNAcopy} \title{Results of segmenting a CNA data object} \usage{ \method{print}{DNAcopy}(x, \dots) } \description{ The results of segmenting data from copy number array experiments from programs such as circular binary segmentation (CBS). } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{DNAcopy} -- output of segment.} \item{...}{arguments to be passed onto print command called within.} } \value{ \item{data}{The original CNA object which was the input for segment} \item{ID}{sample identifier.} \item{chrom}{the chromosome within the sample.} \item{loc.start}{the starting map location of the segment} \item{loc.end}{the ending map location of the segment} \item{num.mark}{the number of markers in the segment} \item{data.type}{the segment mean.} \item{call}{the call that produced the object.} } \details{ An object of class \code{DNAcopy}. There is a \code{print} method that prints the results in a tabular format. Each row gives the sample, the chromosome, the start and end map locations, the number of markers and the mean of each segment. } \keyword{nonparametric}