\name{DFP-package} \alias{DFP-package} \alias{DFP} \docType{package} \title{DFP Package Overview} \description{ This package provides a supervised technique able to identify differentially expressed genes, based on the construction of \emph{Fuzzy Patterns} (FPs). The \emph{Fuzzy Patterns} are built by means of applying 3 \emph{Membership Functions} to discretized gene expression values. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab DFP\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.0\cr Date: \tab 2008-07-03\cr License: \tab GPL-2\cr } The main functionality of the package is provided by the \code{\link[DFP:discriminantFuzzyPattern]{discriminantFuzzyPattern}} function, which works in a 4-step process: \enumerate{ \item Calculates the \emph{Membership Functions}. These functions are used in the next step to discretize gene expression data. \item Discretizes the gene expression data (float values) into \sQuote{Low}, \sQuote{Medium} or \sQuote{High} labels. \item Calculates a \emph{Fuzzy Pattern} for each category. To do this, a given percentage of the samples belonging to a category must have the same label (\sQuote{Low}, \sQuote{Medium} or \sQuote{High}). \item Calculates the \emph{Discriminant Fuzzy Pattern} (DFP) that includes those genes present in two or more FPs with different assigned labels. } Additional data classes: \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}, \code{\link[Biobase:class.AnnotatedDataFrame]{AnnotatedDataFrame}}. } \author{ Rodrigo Alvarez-Gonzalez\cr Daniel Glez-Pena\cr Fernando Diaz\cr Florentino Fdez-Riverola\cr Maintainer: Rodrigo Alvarez-Gonzalez <\email{rodrigo.djv@uvigo.es}> } \references{ F. Diaz; F. Fdez-Riverola; D. Glez-Pena; J.M. Corchado. Using Fuzzy Patterns for Gene Selection and Data Reduction on Microarray Data. 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning: IDEAL 2006, (2006) pp. 1095-1102 } \examples{ ######################################### ############ Get sample data ############ ######################################### library(DFP) data(rmadataset) ######################################### # Filter the most representative genes # ######################################### res <- discriminantFuzzyPattern(rmadataset) ######################################### ###### Different result displays ######## ######################################### plotMembershipFunctions(rmadataset, res$membership.functions, featureNames(rmadataset)[1:2]) showDiscreteValues(res$discrete.values, featureNames(rmadataset)[1:10], c("healthy", "AML-inv")) showFuzzyPatterns(res$fuzzy.patterns, "healthy")[21:50] plotDiscriminantFuzzyPattern(res$discriminant.fuzzy.pattern) } \keyword{ package }