\name{newCountDataSet} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{newCountDataSet} \title{ Create a CountDataSet object } \description{ This function creates a CountDataSet object from a matrix or data frame of count data. } \usage{ newCountDataSet(countData, conditions, sizeFactors = NULL, phenoData = NULL, featureData = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{countData}{ A matrix or data frame of count data, i.e., of non-negative integer values. The rows correspond to observations (e.g., number of reads that were assigned to a gene), the columns correspond to samples (or experiments). Note that biological replicates should each get their own column, while the counts of technical replicates (i.e., several sequencing ruins/lanes from the same sample) have to be summed up into a single column. } \item{conditions}{ A factor of experimental conditions (or treatments, or tissue types, or phenotypes, or the like). The length of the factor has to be equal to the number of columns of the countData matrix, assigning a condition to each sample. If 'conditions' is not a factor, it will be converted to one. } \item{sizeFactors}{ The size factors (see \code{\link{sizeFactors}}). If you have estimated the size factors beforehand, you can pass your estimate here as a numerical vector with as many elements as there are columns in the count data. Usually, however, this field is left blank. Then, you must call function \code{\link{estimateSizeFactors}} afterwards, which will estimate the size factors and fill in the information. } \item{phenoData}{ You may pass an AnnotatedDataFrame here to describe the columns of the count matrix. Note that the package always adds two rows (or creates a new AnnotatedDataFrame with only these two rows in case you do not supply one) with names "condition" and "sizeFactor" to store this information. } \item{featureData}{ You may pass an AnnotatedDataFrame here to describe the rows of the count matrix. The package will just pass through this information without using it. } } \details{ See also the documentation of \code{eSet} (package Biobase) for the meaning of the other slots, which CountDataSet inherits from eSet (but which the present package does not use). } \value{ an object of class CountDataSet } \author{ Simon Anders, sanders@fs.tum.de } \examples{ countsTable <- counts( makeExampleCountDataSet() ) cds <- newCountDataSet( countsTable, c( "A", "A", "A", "B", "B" ) ) }