\name{estimateVarianceFunctionForMatrix} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{estimateVarianceFunctionForMatrix} \title{ Lower-level function to estimate a raw variance function. } \description{ Usually, you should call \code{\link{estimateVarianceFunctions}} for a CountDataSet instead of calling this function directly. However, if you do not have your data in the form of a CountDataSet object, you may want to call this function directly. } \usage{ estimateVarianceFunctionForMatrix(counts, sizeFactors, locfit_extra_args = list(), lp_extra_args = list()) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{counts}{ a matrix of data frame of count data. All the columns of this matrix will be considered as replicates of the same condition. } \item{sizeFactors}{ the size factors of the columns, as estimated e.g. with \code{\link{estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix}} } \item{locfit_extra_args, lp_extra_args}{ Options to be passed to the \code{locfit} and to the \code{lp} function of the locfit package. Use this to adjust the local fitting. For example, you may pass a value for \code{nn} different from the default (0.7) if the fit seems too smooth or too rough by setting \code{lp_extra_agrs=list(nn=0.9)} or you can set \code{locfit_extra_args=list(maxk=200)} if you get the error that locfit ran out of nodes. See the documentation of the locfit package for details. Usually, you will not need to adjuste the fitting parameters, as the defaults seem to work quite fine. } } \value{ a raw variance function. This is a function that, given a base mean (i.e., the mean of counts divided by size factors), returns a raw variance estimate (which needs to be multiplied with the square of a size factor to get the biological variance on the count scale; to get the full variance, add the shot noise as well). } \author{ Simon Anders, sanders@fs.tum.de } \examples{ cds <- makeExampleCountDataSet() cds <- estimateSizeFactors( cds ) vf <- estimateVarianceFunctionForMatrix( counts(cds), sizeFactors(cds) ) vf( head( counts(cds)[,1] / sizeFactors(cds)[1] ) ) vf( reportSize=TRUE ) }