\name{readGeneExp} \alias{readGeneExp} \title{readGeneExp: read gene expression values to a matrix} \description{ This method is used to read gene expression values from a file to a matrix in R workspace. So that the matrix can be used as input of other packages, such as \emph{edgeR}. The input of the method is a file that contains gene expression values. } \usage{ readGeneExp(file, geneCol=1, valCol=2, label = NULL, header=TRUE, sep="") } \arguments{ \item{file}{file containing gene expression values.} \item{geneCol}{gene id column in file.} \item{valCol}{expression value \emph{columns} to be read in the file.} \item{label}{label for the columns.} \item{header}{a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line. See \code{?read.table}.} \item{sep}{the field separator character. If sep = "" (the default for read.table) the separator is \emph{white space}, that is one or more spaces, tabs, newlines or carriage returns. See \code{?read.table}.} } \seealso{ \code{\link{getGeneExp}}, \code{\link{GeneExpExample1000}}, \code{\link{GeneExpExample5000}}. } \examples{ ## If the data files are collected in a zip archive, the following ## commands will first extract them to the temporary directory. geneExpFile <- system.file("extdata", "GeneExpExample1000.txt", package="DEGseq") exp <- readGeneExp(file=geneExpFile, geneCol=1, valCol=c(7,9,12,15,18,8,10,11,13,16)) exp[30:35,] } \keyword{methods}