\name{gene.geneslist.statistic} \alias{gene.geneslist.statistic} \title{A function to compute association measures between a gene of interest and a list of genes. } \description{ Whether or not a gene has an association with another gene, or a set of genes is measured using co-citation in PubMed as a basis for measuring that association. } \usage{ gene.geneslist.statistic(gene, geneslist, paperLens = paperLen()) } \arguments{ \item{gene}{The Entrez Gene ID for the gene of interest. } \item{geneslist}{A vector of Entrez Gene ID for the set of genes. } \item{paperLens}{A vector containing the number of genes cited by each paper.} } \details{ } \value{ To be filled in later. } \references{ Testing Gene Associations Using Co-citation, by B. Ding and R. Gentleman. Bioconductor Technical Report, 2004} \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{twowayTable}}, \code{link{gene.gene.statistic}}} \examples{ g1 = "101" gl = c("10014", "10015", "10016", "10017", "10018") pL = paperLen() s1 = gene.geneslist.statistic(g1, gl, pL) s1 } \keyword{ manip }