\name{reconcileFeatures} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{reconcileFeatures} \alias{reconcileFeatures.NucleosomePosition} \alias{reconcileFeatures.SimulatedExperiment} \alias{reconcileFeatures.default} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Post-processing of simulated features } \description{ The \code{reconcileFeatures} functions provide a facility to post-process a list of features representing a simulated experiment. \code{reconcileFeatures} is an S3 generic, new functions can be added for additional types of experiment. The current default is to call \code{reconcileFeatures.SimulatedExperiment} which, if called without further arguments, will simply return the feature list unchanged. } \usage{ reconcileFeatures(features, ...) \method{reconcileFeatures}{default}(features, ...) \method{reconcileFeatures}{SimulatedExperiment}(features, defaultValues=list(), ...) \method{reconcileFeatures}{NucleosomePosition}(features, defaultMeanDist = 200, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{features}{ List of simulated features. } \item{defaultValues}{ Named list of default parameter values. The method for class \code{SimulatedExperiment} ensures that all features have at least the parameters listed in \code{defaultValues}, adding them where necessary. } \item{defaultMeanDist}{ Default value for the average distance between nucleosomes for nucleosome positioning experiments. } \item{\dots}{Further arguments to future functions.} } \value{ A list of features of the same class as \code{features}. } \author{ Peter Humburg } \seealso{ \code{\link{makeFeatures}}, \code{\link{placeFeatures}} } \examples{ set.seed(1) ## generate a (relatively short) sequence of nucleosome features features <- makeFeatures(length=1e6, ) ## check the total length of the features sum(sapply(features, "[[", "length")) ## 995020 ## reconcile features to ensure smooth transitions ## For experiments of class NucleosomePosition this ## also combines some features and introduces ## some overlap between them. features <- reconcileFeatures(features) ## check the total length of the features again sum(sapply(features, "[[", "length")) ## 984170 } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{datagen}