\name{feat2dens} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{feat2dens} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Convert a list of features into a feature density } \description{ Given a list of features (as produced by \code{\link{makeFeatures}}) computes the feature density for each and combines them into a chromosome wide density. } \usage{ feat2dens(features, length, featureBgr = TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{features}{ A list of features. } \item{length}{ Total length of feature density vector (i.e. chromosome length). If this is missing the length is inferred from the feature parameters. } \item{featureBgr}{ Logical indicating whether feature specific background should be added to the density. If this is \code{TRUE} the resulting density for each feature is a mixture of the feature density and a fuzzy, i.e. uniform, feature density. The weights of the components are determined by the feature weight. } \item{\dots}{ Further arguments to \code{\link{featureDensity}}. } } \value{ A vector with the feature density for each position along the chromosome. } \author{ Peter Humburg } \seealso{ The majority of the work is done by calls to \code{\link{featureDensity}} and \code{\link{joinRegion}}. } \examples{ set.seed(1) ## generate a (relatively short) sequence of nucleosome features features <- placeFeatures(start=200, length=1e5) ## calculate density featureDens <- feat2dens(features, length=1e5) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{datagen}