\name{extractQuality} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{extractQuality} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Obtain read qualities from a Fastq file or ShortReadQ object } \description{ Converts the read qualities encoded in fastq formatted files into error probabilities. } \usage{ extractQuality(reads, minLength = 25, dir, type = c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa")) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{reads}{ Either the name of a fastq file or a \code{\link[ShortRead:ShortReadQ-class]{ShortReadQ}} object (see Details). } \item{minLength}{ Minimum read length required. } \item{dir}{ Directory of fastq file. } \item{type}{ Character string indicating the format the qualities are encoded in (see Details). } } \details{ If \code{reads} and \code{dir} are character strings it is assumed that \file{dir/reads} is the name of a fastq file. Otherwise \code{reads} should be a \code{\link[ShortRead:ShortReadQ-class]{ShortReadQ}} object in which case \code{dir} is ignored. Currently three different encodings of read qualities are supported. The encoding has to be selected via the \code{type} argument. The supported formats are \describe{ \item{Illumina}{The format currently used by Illumina (version 1.3). This is a phred score between 0 and 40 encoded as ASCII characters 64 to 104. [default]} \item{Sanger}{The Sanger format uses a phred quality score between 0 and 93 encoded as ASCII characters 33 to 126.} \item{Solexa}{The old Solexa format previously used by Solexa/Illumina uses a quality score between -5 and 40 encoded as ASCII characters 59 to 104.} } } \value{ A list with a vector of error probabilities for each read in \code{reads} that is at least \code{minLength} nucleotides long. } \author{ Peter Humburg } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ \code{\link{decodeQuality}}, \code{\link{readQualitySample}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## load reads from a fastq file with Sanger encoding qualities <- extractQuality("test.fastq", dir=".", type="Sanger") ## extract error probabilities for first 25bp of each read qualities25 <- sapply(qualities, "[", 1:25) ## plot average quality for each position plot(rowMeans(qualities25), type='b', xlab="Read position", ylab="Error probability") } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{utilities}