\name{distDens} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{distDens} \alias{fragDens} \alias{stableDens} \alias{indNuc} \alias{noNuc} \alias{phaseNuc} \alias{bindLocDens} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Computing densities for nucleosome positioning simulation } \description{ These functions compute nucleosome densities for a given parameter set (usually provided through one of the feature classes). } \usage{ distDens(x, minDist = 175, varDist = 337.5, meanDist = 200) fragDens(x, minLength, maxLength, meanLength, bind) indNuc(meanDist = 200, length = 2000, weight = 1) noNuc(length, weight = 1) stableDens(x, shift = 10, ratio = 1, weight = 1, stability = 1) phaseNuc(stable, dist, minDist = 175, length = 2000, meanDist = 200, varDist = (meanDist - minDist) + (meanDist - minDist)^2/2, shift = 10, ratio = 1, weight = 1, stability = 1) bindLocDens(x, fragLength) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ Position at which the density should be evaluated. } \item{minDist}{ Minimum distance between nucleosomes. } \item{varDist}{ Variance of nucleosome distances. } \item{meanDist}{ Mean distance of nucleosomes. } \item{minLength}{ Minimum fragment length. } \item{maxLength}{ Maximum fragment length. } \item{meanLength}{ Mean fragment length. } \item{bind}{ Position of binding site within fragment. } \item{length}{ Length of region. } \item{weight}{ Weight of feature. } \item{stable}{ Density function for stable nucleosome. } \item{dist}{ Density function of distances between nucleosomes. } \item{shift}{ Distance between alternative position for stable nucleosome. } \item{ratio}{ Ratio of probability mass associated with central and alternative positions for stable nucleosome. } \item{stability}{ Stability of stable nucleosome. } \item{fragLength}{ Length of DNA fragment. If \code{x} is not in [0, 1] this is used to normalize \code{x}. } } \value{ Density evaluated at the given position. } \author{ Peter Humburg } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ \code{\link{feat2dens}} } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{datagen} \keyword{internal}