\name{startScore} \alias{startScore} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Score potential protein binding sites} \description{ For each position in the genome this function computes a score indicating the likelihood that a protein binding site starts at that position. } \usage{ startScore(data, b, support, background, bgCutoff, supCutoff) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data}{A two column matrix with read counts. The two columns correspond to reads on the forward and reverse strand respectively.} \item{b}{Length of binding region.} \item{support}{Length of support region.} \item{background}{Length of background window.} \item{bgCutoff}{Cutoff for the change in read rates between adjacent windows (see Details).} \item{supCutoff}{Cutoff for the change in read rates between support regions on forward and reverse strand (see Details).} } \details{ Robust estimates of read rates in background windows and support regions are obtained by limiting the difference between related estimates. Consider a forward support region of length 10 containing 20 reads. The maximum likelihood estimate for the rate parameter of the (assumed) underlying Poisson distribution is \eqn{\hat{\lambda} = \frac{20}{10} = 2}{lambda_hat = 20/10 = 2}. If there are 50 reads in the reverse support region a robust estimate of the rate parameter is obtained as \code{max(50/10, qpois(supCutoff, lambda=lambda_hat))} } \value{ Numeric vector with binding site scores. } \note{ Instead of calling this function directly use \code{\link{callBindingSites}}. } \references{} \author{Peter Humburg} \seealso{\code{\link{callBindingSites}}} % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{models}