\name{probes2MAP} \alias{probes2MAP} \title{ Map probe IDs to MAP regions. } \description{ This function maps probe identifiers to MAP positions using the appropriate Bioconductor meta-data package. } \usage{ probes2MAP(pids, data = "hgu133plus2") } \arguments{ \item{pids}{ A vector of probe IDs for the chip in use.} \item{data}{ The name of the chip, as a character string. } } \details{ Probes are mapped to regions, no checking for duplicate Entrez gene IDs is done. } \value{ A vector, the same length as \code{pids}, with the MAP locations. } \author{ R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{probes2Path}} } \examples{ set.seed(123) library("hgu95av2.db") v1 = sample(names(as.list(hgu95av2MAP)), 100) pp = probes2MAP(v1, "hgu95av2.db") } \keyword{ manip }