\name{getPathNames} \alias{getPathNames} \title{A function to print pathway names given their numeric ID.} \description{ Given a KEGG pathway ID this function returns the character name of the pathway. } \usage{ getPathNames(iPW) } \arguments{ \item{iPW}{A vector of KEGG pathway IDs. } } \details{ This function simply does a look up in \code{KEGGPATHID2NAME} and returns a list of the pathway names. Possible extensions would be to extend it to work with the cMAP library as well. } \value{ A list of pathway names. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{\code{\link[KEGG.db]{KEGGPATHID2NAME}} } \examples{ nms = "00031" getPathNames(nms) } \keyword{manip}