\name{HyperGResultBase-class} \docType{class} \alias{HyperGResultBase-class} \alias{conditional,HyperGResultBase-method} \alias{show,HyperGResultBase-method} \title{Class "HyperGResultBase"} \description{ This VIRTUAL class represents common elements of the return values of generic functions like \code{hyperGTest}. All subclasses are intended to implement the accessor functions documented at \link{HyperGResult-accessors}. } \section{Objects from the Class}{A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{annotation}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} giving the name of the annotation data package used. } \item{\code{geneIds}:}{Object of class \code{"ANY"} (usually a character vector, but sometimes an integer vector). The input vector of gene identifiers intersected with the universe of gene identifiers used in the computation. } \item{\code{testName}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} identifying the testing method used. } \item{\code{pvalueCutoff}:}{Numeric value used by the testing method as a p-value cutoff. Not all testing methods use this. Also used by the \code{show} method to count number of significant terms. } \item{\code{testDirection}:}{A string indicating whether the test performed was for overrepresentation (\code{"over"}) or underrepresentation(\code{"under"}).} } } \section{Methods}{ See \link{HyperGResult-accessors}. } \author{Seth Falcon} \seealso{ \code{\link{HyperGResult-class}} \code{\link[GOstats]{GOHyperGResult-class}} \link{HyperGResult-accessors} } \keyword{classes}