\name{GSEAGOHyperGParams} \alias{GSEAGOHyperGParams} \alias{GSEAKEGGHyperGParams} \title{Helper function for constructing a GOHyperGParams objects or KEGGHyperGParams objects from a GeneSetCollection} \description{ Helps to create A parameter class for representing all parameters needed for running the \code{hyperGTest} method. If it is a GOHyperGParams object, being made, then with one of the GO ontologies (BP, CC, MF) as the category. This function will construct the parameter object from a GeneSetCollection object and if necessary will also try to check to make sure that the object is based on a GO2ALL mapping. } \usage{ GSEAGOHyperGParams(name, geneSetCollection, geneIds, universeGeneIds, ontology, pvalueCutoff, conditional, testDirection, ...) GSEAKEGGHyperGParams(name, geneSetCollection, geneIds, universeGeneIds, pvalueCutoff, testDirection, ...) } \arguments{ \item{name}{String specifying name of the GeneSetCollection.} \item{geneSetCollection}{A GeneSetCollection Object. If a GOHyperGParams object is sought, then this GeneSetCollection should be based on a GO2ALLFrame object and so the idType of that GeneSetCollection should be GOAllFrameIdentifier. If a KEGGHyperGParams object is sought then a GeneSetCollection based on a KEGGFrame object should be used and the idType will be a KEGGFrameIdentifier.} \item{geneIds}{Object of class \code{"ANY"}: A vector of gene identifiers. Numeric and character vectors are probably the only things that make sense. These are the gene ids for the selected gene set.} \item{universeGeneIds}{Object of class \code{"ANY"}: A vector of gene ids in the same format as \code{geneIds} defining a subset of the gene ids on the chip that will be used as the universe for the hypergeometric calculation. If this is \code{NULL} or has length zero, then all gene ids on the chip will be used.} \item{ontology}{A string specifying the GO ontology to use. Must be one of "BP", "CC", or "MF". (used with GO only)} \item{pvalueCutoff}{A numeric values between zero and one used as a p-value cutoff for p-values generated by the Hypergeometric test. When the test being performed is non-conditional, this is only used as a default value for printing and summarizing the results. For a conditional analysis, the cutoff is used during the computation to determine perform the conditioning: child terms with a p-value less than pvalueCutoff are conditioned out of the test for their parent term.} \item{conditional}{A logical indicating whether the calculation should condition on the GO structure. (GO only)} \item{testDirection}{A string which can be either "over" or "under". This determines whether the test performed detects over or under represented GO terms.} \item{...}{ optional arguments to configure the GOHyperGParams object. } } \author{M. Carlson} \seealso{ \code{\link{HyperGResult-class}} \code{\link{GOHyperGParams-class}} \code{\link{geneKeggHyperGeoTest}} \code{\link{hyperGTest}} } \keyword{classes}