\name{ChrMapHyperGResult-class} \docType{class} \alias{ChrMapHyperGResult-class} \alias{conditional,ChrMapHyperGResult-method} \title{Class "ChrMapHyperGResult"} \description{ This class represents the results of a Hypergeometric test for over-representation of genes in a selected gene list in the chromosome band annotation. The \code{hyperGTest} function returns an instance of \code{ChrMapHyperGResult} when given a parameter object of class \code{ChrMapHyperGParams}. For details on accessing the results, see \link{HyperGResult-accessors}. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("ChrMapHyperGResult", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{pvalue.order}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} that gives the order of the p-values.} \item{\code{conditional}:}{Object of class \code{"logical"} is a flag indicating whether or not this result is from a conditional analysis. } \item{\code{chrGraph}:}{Object of class \code{"graph"}. The nodes are the chromosome bands with edges representing the tree structure of the bands. Each node has a \code{"geneIds"} attribute that gives the gene IDs annotated at that band.} \item{\code{annotation}:}{A string giving the name of the chip annotation data package used.} \item{\code{geneIds}:}{Object of class \code{"ANY"}: the input vector of gene identifiers intersected with the universe of gene identifiers used in the computation. The class of this slot is specified as \code{"ANY"} because gene IDs may be integer or character vectors depending on the annotation package.} \item{\code{testName}:}{A string identifying the testing method used.} \item{\code{pvalueCutoff}:}{Numeric value used a a p-value cutoff. Used by the \code{show} method to count number of significant terms. } \item{\code{testDirection}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} indicating whether the test was for over-representation (\code{"over"}) or under-representation (\code{"under"}). } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{HyperGResultBase}"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ See \link{HyperGResult-accessors}. } \author{Seth Falcon} \examples{ showClass("ChrMapHyperGResult") ## For details on accessing the results: ## help("HyperGResult-accessors") } \keyword{classes}