\name{permutest} \alias{permutest} \title{Permutation Test P-value for Multivaraite Correlation} \description{ This function calculates p-values of the multivariate correlation estimator by enumerating all permutations. We recommend using Likehood Ratio Test implemented in function cor.LRtest if your data has moderate to large sample size (>5) The procedure is same as those permutation tests for Pearson correlation coefficient or other parameters. Since the approximation of null distribution requires enumerating all permutations. The computational burden increases in $n^2$. } \usage{ permutest(x, y=NULL, m, G) } \arguments{ \item{x}{data matrix, column represents samples (conditions), and row represents variables (genes), see example below for format information} \item{y}{optional, used when x and y are vectors} \item{m}{number of replicates} \item{G}{number of genes} } \details{ See manuscript. } \value{ \item{PV}{P-values of permutation tests} } \references{Zhu, D and Li Y. 2007. Multivariate Correlation Estimator for Inferring Functional Relationships from Replicated 'OMICS' data. Submitted.} \author{Dongxiao Zhu and Youjuan Li} \seealso{\code{\link{cor.LRtest}}, \code{\link{cor.LRtest.std}}, \code{\link{cor.test}}} \examples{ library("CORREP") library("e1071") d0 <- NULL ## sample size is set to 5, it takes about a min to finish for(l in 1:5) d0 <- rbind(d0, rnorm(100)) ## data must have row variance of 1 d0.std <- apply(d0, 2, function(x) x/sd(x)) M <- cor.balance(t(d0.std), m = 4, G= 25) M.pv <- permutest(t(d0.std), m = 4, G= 25) } \keyword{multivariate} \keyword{cluster} \keyword{models} \keyword{htest}