\name{test.posterior} \alias{test.posterior} \title{ Checks posterior probabilities are monotonic. } \usage{ test.posterior(frame, ncomp, samples.by.disease = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{frame}{ Posterior data frame. } \item{ncomp}{ Number of components. } \item{samples.by.disease}{ List containing samples split on disease status. } } \description{ The posterior probability of belonging to a particular component should fall to zero monotonically as the signal increases or decreases away from the component mean. This function checks for posterior distributions that do not have this property. } \value{ Returns TRUE is the posterior is not monotonic. } \author{Vincent Plagnol \email{vincent.plagnol@cimr.cam.ac.uk} and Chris Barnes \email{christopher.barnes@imperial.ac.uk} }