\name{compact.data.frame} \alias{compact.data.frame} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Compacts the expanded data frame format needed by our fitting procedure into more compact and user friendly version} \description{ Small internal routine returning a more compact and user friendly version of the output of the fitting algorithm. } \usage{ compact.data.frame(full.frame) } \arguments{ \item{full.frame}{An expanded data frame (one point per data point and per component in the fit, ie. 1,000 individuals fitted on three components would have 3,000 rows. } } \details{ This function should be invisible to most users and is part of the EM fitting procedure. } \value{ A data frame in a compact version, with one row per data point and one column for each component: P1, P2, P3 in the three component case for the probabilities for the calls to be equal to 1,2 or 3. } \author{Vincent Plagnol \email{vincent.plagnol@cimr.cam.ac.uk} and Chris Barnes \email{christopher.barnes@imperial.ac.uk} }